Roger Queiroz, Online Marketing Guru, Brazil, USA

Roger Queiroz, Online Marketing Guru, Brazil, USA

Roger Queiroz, Online Marketing Guru, is a Brazilian and US resident. 
Listen to the Talk 2 Brazil interview by Tom Reaoch with Roger Queiroz on LA Talk Radio, Nov. 18, 2013:  PLAY or DOWNLOAD
He graduated in Physics at Unicamp in 1990 and has a Masters in Mettalurgy. Roger has an MBA from the prestigious Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.
For the last 12 years has followed the evolution of Online Marketing in the US from its inception and has studied under the leading Online Guru´s in the US, namely Eben Pagan, Frank Kern, Jeff Walker, Russell Brunson, Jeff Johnson, John Carlton, Ryan Deiss, Mike Filsaime,Tony Robbins, among others.
Roger has successfully launched several online projects in English and Portuguese, his most recent product launch Revelando o Successo an innovative business training program for professional photographers. In Brazil as in other parts of the world many professional photographers are excellent artists but sometimes lack business knowledge, administrative and marketing experience to guarantee sustainable success in an extremely competitive environment. He is now launching his next project in Brazil .