Rodrigo Forte, Managing Director, Exec Executive Performance.

Rodrigo Forte, Managing Director, Exec Executive Performance, Brazil Rodrigo Forte is a Lawyer, graduated from PUC/SP and post graduated in Business Administration from FGV/SP. His career was developed in law firms and in a worldwide multinational company leader of the recruitment and selection sector (Michael Page International), where he was Director and member of the Board in Brazil. Rodrigo Forte is the Founding member of EXEC Executive Performance where he was one of the first executives to work with specialized recruitment in Brazil. He has more than 13 years in HR, having evaluated over 8,000 executives. Also, Rodrigo works with Executive Coaching and Human and Organization Development projects. With offices in Sao Paulo and Campinas, EXEC was established in 2009 through the concept of a boutique and offers services in the areas of Recruitment & Selection and Executive Development for middle and top management.